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Popular 3D Modeling Techniques and Their Applications

来源:365体育在线开户    浏览次数:0

报告题目   Popular 3D Modeling Techniques and Their Applications
报告人   Dr. LAI Shuhua
报告人单位   Information Technology at the Georgia Gwinnett College
报告时间   2017-12-20   10:00
报告地点   365体育在线开户九楼会议室(9004)
主办单位   365体育在线开户、国际功能材料量子设计中心(ICQD)
 3D models represent a 3D object using a collection of points in 3D space, connected by various geometric entities such as triangles, lines, curved surfaces, etc. 3D models can be created by hand, algorithmically (procedural modeling), or scanned. Today, 3D models are used in a wide variety of fields. The medical industry uses detailed models of organs. The movie industry uses them as characters and objects for animated and real-life motion pictures. The video game industry uses them as assets for computer and video games. The science sector uses them as highly detailed models of chemical compounds. The architecture industry uses them to demonstrate proposed buildings and landscapes through Software Architectural Models. The engineering community uses them as designs of new devices, vehicles and structures as well as a host of other uses.
  Dr. Shuhua Lai currently is a full professor of Information Technology at the Georgia Gwinnett College, Georgia USA. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Kentucky in 2006. He was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Virginia State University before he joined Georgia Gwinnett College in 2011. His main research interests include Computer Graphics, 3D Modeling & Visualization, High Performance GPU Computing and Image Processing. He has received multiple research grants from NSF, DoD, DHS etc. and has published more than 50 peer reviewed journal/conference research papers. He is a member of ACM SIGGRAPH.

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